All your cutting should be on a surface that is softer than the edge of your knife. Don't ever cut directly on glass, or marble cutting boards. Although they may be less porous, they will round over and dull your knives very quickly. End grain hardwood cutting boards are the most forgiving for the edges of sharp knives. They look nice as well. Maintenance on wood cutting boards consists of a rub-down with mineral oil every once in a while.
Another "go to" item in the kitchen is a properly seasoned large cast iron skillet. There are so many uses for this workhorse item. Its biggest advantage for me is the ability to hold heat and cook evenly. On a standard stovetop, you will never have to go over medium heat to get a cast iron pan screaming hot. After years of seasoning and use (oiling, and NEVER using soap) it just gets better.
For other cookwear, I recommend thick stainless steel such as All-Clad. Stainless is durable, non-reactive to acids, and no specialty utensils are required. The same logic for purchasing knives applies here... Do you really need a 15 pc. set? Get what you know you will use.
The most commonly used utentils to actually move HOT food are stainless steel tongs, and a thin flexible slotted turner, or "fish spatula". Tongs offer an extension to your hands while providing very strong grip, while the slotted turner is great for more finesse. RYTQYK9VN2EC